Triston McLeod

I am a North Carolina-based IT professional who is constant search of knowledge and professional and personal growth, with a customer service driven mindset.

About Me

About Me

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The ?

These words represent the cornerstone of my professional ethos, akin to a company's core values. Each word encapsulates a fundamental principle that resonates deeply with me and guides my approach to work and life.


Upholding integrity is crucial in IT, as professionals handle sensitive data and information. Maintaining honesty, confidentiality, and ethical standards is paramount.


IT relies heavily on collaboration and teamwork. Success requires synergy between departments to solve complex problems and achieve common goals.

Customer Focused

IT exists to support and serve the needs of its users and stakeholders. IT professionals should prioritize understanding and addressing the needs of their customers, whether they are internal employees or external clients.


The IT landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. IT professionals must be adaptable and flexible, ready and willing to learn and adapt to changes in technology and business requirements.


Security is a fundamental. It's a role that EVERYONE should take part in and be accountable for. It's our job as IT to protect our stakeholders from the bad guys and protect our stakeholders from themselves.


IT professionals take responsibility for their actions and decisions, holding themselves accountable for the outcomes. They acknowledge mistakes, learn from them, and work to prevent similar issues in the future.